#Energy Services #Stocks: News Alert for Enterprise Group (TSX: $E.TO) @EnterpriseGrp

September 26, 2018 (Investorideas.com Newswire) Oil services Stock Alert The following article/commentary is released on Enterprise Group, Inc. (TSX: E).

How does one generate significant heat with no flame? And once done, what do you do with it? And of course, why?
Artic Therm is the largest proprietary supplier of flameless heat in Canada. And with this winter already starting (early) in the north, the all sizes of flameless heater rental units are moving out the door.
Thermal fluid heating is a type of indirect heating in which a liquid phase heat transfer medium is heated and circulated to one or more heat energy users within a closed loop system. Thermal oil, glycol, and water are common heat transfer mediums for these systems.
The units represent two Enterprise patents; one for the disc and one for the airflow design. The disc agitates the oil and creates 60% of generated heat. The rest is drawn from the operation of the diesel engine and exhaust piping within the unit.
The safety features include:
- Positive Air Shutdown (manual and automatic); set to shut down on engine RPM over-speed,
- Murphy gauges and switches for high temperature or low pressure shutdown on both engine and friction plate,
- Brushless Marine Alternators to ensure there is no source of ignition during operation.
Our units are authorized to be in operation up to 7 meters to the wellhead.

Oil and Gas, etc.
- Pipeline expansion; pre-heat and expand pipe during construction
- Curing Coatings; faster heal according to spec to ensure max strength
- Well sites; prevent freezing of the wellhead.
- Plant outages/turnarounds
- Grain Drying
- Emergency thawing (or chilling)
- Portable climate control
- Portable cooling solutions
Flameless heat is not merely some fad or a way to speed up heating for convenience reasons. The application can make the difference between a saleable silo of seed as opposed to pretty worthless feed. Also, faster pipe and vessel curing increases the hardening of the materials, markedly lengthening pipe life.
Speaking of which, and with no agenda other than it would good for many companies including Enterprise; lots of pipelines will be built over the next several years. The expertise necessary such as flameless heat, pipeline extension, and curing will be the basis for new technologies. Will it make pipelines 100% safe? They will be safer.

It's All Happening.
By May 2018, six more pipeline projects were approved. Total investment will be more than C$2 billion. While small, the LNG and Trans Canada Pipeline watusi will likely raise that by 'billions and billions. (Carl Sagan) Four of the six:
- Located in British Columbia's Peace River Regional District, the North Montney Mainline (NMML). Consists of a 206 kilometer (km), 42-inch pipeline, two compressor stations, and 14-meter stations. Construction has begun. (Through TransCanada's subsidiary Nova Gas).
- In February Pembina Pipeline Corporation announced it would spend $120 million on the construction of new fractionation and terminalling facilities at its Empress extraction plant, located north of Medicine Hat.
- In May, MEG Energy disclosed that work is underway on a new expansion of its Christina Lake in situ oil sands project in northern Alberta.
- Keyera Corp. said in May that it is proceeding with phase two of its Wapiti Gas Plant near Grande Prairie, Alta., in the liquids-rich Montney play.

Additional processing capacity will also be added to Keyera Corp.'s Simonette gas plant, near Grande Prairie. The company says the facility continues to achieve record processing volumes.
With world energy needs projecting to increase by 45% by 2040, Canada's LNG plans seem an easier sell than oil, oils sands, etc.; although many of those will be approved. Burns clean and is a great partner to supplement Green tech for consistent clean electricity generation.
As Alberta and BC are one, two in Natural Gas production, companies such as Enterprise (and subsidiary Arctic Therm) are at the thin edge of the wedge for infrastructure building tech. Couple that with competitive and first-class rental equipment, it is hard not to extrapolate decent growth for services over the next decade(s). Add in agricultural demands for drying and other applications and flameless heat will become ubiquitous very quickly.
Another major caveat is the US's current tariff plan. The effect ongoing will favor renting over buying major equipment pieces.
The top 10 source countries for U.S. steel imports represented 79 percent of the total steel import volume in YTD 2018 at 12.7 million metrics tons (mmt). Canada accounted for the largest share of U.S. imports by source country at 20 percent (3.3 mmt).
Canadian companies such as Enterprise have the equipment to not only survive but thrive, due to its strategies and top shelf and innovative/custom rentals.
The Company can really no longer be viewed merely as a supplier. It is now more of a resource; With exceptional growth potential.
Oh, almost forgot. Our beer cans are affected. That's just wrong.
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For further Enterprise news and corporate updates, and to speak directly with the #management team, join the Enterprise "Investor Group on 8020 Connect http://bit.ly/2FNPjyk
Article source - Baystreet.ca
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Disclosure this news article is a paid for news release on the Investorideas.com newswire by Enterprise Group, Inc. (TSX: E) and was not created or originated by Investorideas. Learn more about costs and our newswire service https://www.investorideas.com/News-Upload/ Enterprise Group, Inc. (TSX: E) is a previous featured monthly company on Investorideas expiring on May 1 2018 .More info https://www.investorideas.com/About/News/Clientspecifics.asp
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